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high quality

products guaranteed

Services and Prices



Woman's cut* ...........................

Men's cut* ........................  

Blow out****** ........................

Blow out & Iron Set  ...........  

Up-do ................................

Deep Treatment  .................... 

Men's Clean Up*** ............ 

Fringe ..............................
Bang Trim ......................

Silent Hair Cut................

















Hair Color 


Single Process Touch-up .............
Inoa Root Touch-up .........   

Men's Color .......................
Partial Highlight (includes gloss) ......

Full Highlight (includes gloss)........

Lowlights ............................

Partial Balayage (includes gloss)....

Full Balayage (includes gloss)........ 

Base-bump (with color service)  .........  
​Gloss (with service )  ............................

Corrective Color**** ..... 

Vivid Color ........................... 

Transformative Color**** ....
Double Process .....................

Single Process All-over color ...
Silent Hair Color.....










120per hour+

 120per hour+

120per hour+

 120per hour+



Curl for Good


Perm Wave****....................  

125+ per hour

Straight Treatments 


Keratin**** ..................................  120+ per hour

Smoothing**** ............................ 120+ per hour

* These are our starting prices. Some stylists are more expensive than others. Prices also depend on the amount of hair, product, style, and time it takes to complete the desired look; the above prices are starting prices. As reference, the average men's haircut takes 30 minutes,  the average women's haircut takes 45 minutes, the average blowout takes 30 minutes, the average updo takes 45 minutes, the average partial highlight takes 1.75 hours, the average full highlight takes 2 hours, and the average single process touch-up takes 90 minutes. If any service takes us longer, the price will go up proportionately. Lowlights, midlights, and tease added into highlights and balayages will cost more as well due to added product; whether we need to use these will depend on the hair and the desired look.

*** A mens' clean up includes neck and around the ears.

**** A color correction is when a professional salon needs to correct the undesirable results of a previous hair coloring done either at home or at a different hair salon or when we are transforming hair color from one color family to another using lightener. While some color corrections can be done in a step or two, others can be very complex and require several different visits to a salon. Steven Papageorge Salon determines whether it is a color correction and cannot guarantee how many appointments are needed to achieve the desired look. Strand tests are considered color correction and will be charged if performed.

***** Chemical straightening and curling treatments need a consultation for proper pricing.

Hair color prices cannot be quoted over the phone. Prices may increase due to extra product usage and/or added time spent due to thickness, length, and/or texture of hair. Price variation depends on stylist.


All color cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance, and all cut and styling appointment cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. If an appointment is not cancelled in this time-frame, the whole charge of the service will be due. Non-refundable deposits are also necessary for all new clients. The salon will call all new clients scheduling online for a deposit. If we don't hear back within 24 hours of our call or 24 hours from when the appointment was made (whatever is closest to the appointment time) we will need to cancel the appointment; it is always a great idea to give us a call after making an online appointment to handle the deposit quickly.


We have a grace period of 15 minutes for our clients. If you are over 15 minutes late, we will not be able to provide the service, and the full amount of the service booked will be required. If we are somehow able to arrange things to make your appointment work at the later time of arrival, the start time of the appointment will still be from the original time and be charged accordingly to that originally scheduled start time and final end time. 


Beginning of an appointment starts at the marked time of appointment. Consultations count as part of the appointment.

If we are asked to curl the hair, that is an additional charge.

If we are asked to come in early or on days off and are able to, there will be an extra charge for both coming in on an off day and for coming in on off hours.

Steven Papageorge Salon may schedule the blowout portion of a service with a different stylist than the one performing the rest of the service at any time  (unless you schedule only a blowout). 

We cannot work under time crunches. We work with chemicals and sharp objects; the amount of time we take to complete a service is for a reason. If you have a time constraint, we must be made aware when the appointment is scheduled. We will do our best to work in this time constraint but cannot guarantee it. 

If your hair is in a state where we need to add a bonder to our hair color services, we will not be able to perform the service without that bonder for the health of the hair. The bonder and extra charge will be added to the hair color service either using Wellaplex or Epres product. 

Bridal Hair



Bridal Hair* .............................      355

Bridal Party Hair ...................       105


includes 1 trial 

On Location bridal hair services are avaliable- please inquire about the additional travel fee. We can also accommodate off hours- please inquire about the additional fee. 



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